About Us

*Lick (L-ICK): A portmanteau or blended name created by merging the initial part of one individual's first name with the remaining segment of the other's first name, typically used to denote a couple's unified identity. e.g. Lara + Nick = Lick.

The Founding of Lick

The story of Lick* began in typical New York fashion with two young people meeting in a village bar for a mutual friend’s birthday party. Nick approached Lara to say hello and they hit it off instantly. Lara must have thought he was particularly entertaining because the next day she had their mutual friend pass along her number. Something special was happening :)

Their next encounter brought them to an uptown bar in Manhattan where Lara discovered Nick was more than just another boy in the city and Nick was wowed by Lara’s dancing skills. Even though Lara was hosting a girl friend for the weekend, Nick managed to steal one kiss on the dance floor before the two ladies caught a cab home. They had to see each other again.

For their first date the two met up for dinner at a fusion restaurant on the upper east side. They talked about life in the city, friends, and family, and even though they had just met it was obvious that this was the beginning of something real. They spent the rest of the evening bar hopping around the neighborhood, laughing, and goofing off. The evening culminated in a steamy smooch session in the ATM of a Chase bank 😉

And this was only just the start ...